Mission Support

Our Mission Project for 2025 is: Makonge Primary School, a Christian-run school for underprivileged children in Kiyindi, Uganda.


We are pleased to give financial support to:

Baptist Home Mission provide financial help for struggling churches.

Baptist Missionary Society support those who are working overseas.  Harland and Gill Rivas are our assigned family, working in South America.

Bromley Borough Foodbank help people get back on their feet by providing food parcels for those in need.

Computers for Charities: Simon Rookesby takes aid, where it is needed.  He will recycle old computers for charities and take shoes boxes to Eastern Europe at Christmas, plus a lot more.

FOOTSTEPS International: Donations from Fare share (see church life) are, at present, going to help build a house for a disabled man and his family in Kenya

Open Doors: supporting the persecuted church.


are seeing many people respond to their broadcasts into parts of the Middle East where churches cannot exist. Their broadcasts then support them spiritually.


Two Christian workers:

Lindsay Hamon has carried a cross through some very hostile places.  He loves God with a passion and will share Jesus with anyone, from the captive audience on the London Underground to the person on the checkout in the supermarket. “The ability to share Jesus is 'caught not taught'” (John Pressdee) and lives are changed. 

Talitha Korner teaches discipleship at Bible Schools in Africa. She always encourages us, when she comes to visit.


We also support Street Pastors who go out into the town on a Friday night, to connect with young people coming out of pubs and clubs.

We have links with Christians against Poverty (CAP) which has only recently been set up in Bromley.

Supporting, educating, taking aid, encouraging – 'We can't go, but we can help and support those who can!'