Let's Get Together

Small Groups

House Groups: The first line of pastoral care

Groups meet on 2nd and 4th Tuesday or Wednesday at 8.00pm

There are currently five House Groups

For Ladies:

Refresh: 1st Monday, 10.00am

Prayer Breakfasts, as announced

For Men:

Prayer Breakfast: 3rd Saturday at 8.30am

Encouragement Group

Mondays, as announced at 2.30pm

Jackie Rowling & Fadz Musanhu
Simon & Jeanette Swift

Here For all Ages

Across The Ages


Sunday School, during Morning Service

Monday: 6.00pm - Girls' Brigade

Young People

Sunday Morning

Thursday: 7.00-9.00pm - Ignite


Wednesday: 10.00-11.45am - Toddle Time for Parents and Toddlers

1st Saturday: 4.00-6.00pm - Messy Church, just turn up on the day for crafts, games, songs, a story and food, and its all FREE. (Children must be accompanied by an adult)

OVER 60s

Tuesday: 2.00-4.00pm - Indoor or 'short mat' bowls While others are playing, there is always plenty of time to chat over tea and biscuits.

1st Thursday: 2.00-4.00pm - The Tea Room is open with lovely cakes, tea and coffee, the atmosphere is relaxed and chatty.  Sometimes there is an activity or a speaker; the police and other local people drop in to advise and help.

3rd Thursday: 12.30-2.30pm - The Lilac Lounge Lunch hosts a cooked meal. Mainly for the elderly or those who live on their own, but everyone is welcome. There is no fixed charge but donations are welcome.

Here To Minister


The Lord Jesus, on the night before He died, broke bread with His disciples and told them, to keep doing this, to remember Him, until He returns. We have what is called an 'Open Table,' which means that all those who love God and have asked Jesus to be their Saviour, are welcome to share in the taking of the bread and wine.


If someone asks to come into membership, they are interviewed and if they have committed their life to following Jesus, we are happy to accept them.  They do not have to have been baptised, but we consider membership to be a privilege and a commitment to find their place in the church family and to use the gifting that God has given them, to serve others.

Dedication of Babies

We bring babies and children in a service of dedication, thanking God for preserving the life of the mother and welcoming the child into the church family. If the parents don't believe, or don't belong to the church, we are very pleased to have a service of blessing over the child and the family.


In the Great Commission – Matthew 28.19 – Jesus called his followers to , 'Make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.' On confession of a person's faith in Jesus, and their willingness to turn away from sin, we baptise by complete immersion. We have baptised people aged from 11 to 90!


If you are interested in getting married at our church, we would be very happy to meet with you and discuss it further. Please contact the Church Office in the first instance.


We are happy to do anything we can to help those who have been bereaved. Our Pastor can either take a funeral, cremation or memorial service. Please contact the Church Office in the first instance.


As a Baptist Church, we are self-funding, so have to raise monies through giving to cover all our expenses. Gifts can be made as part of worship at Sunday Services or through the banking system. We take part in the Gift Aid Scheme which enables us to reclaim tax from the government on donations received. We ask that those who give regularly and who pay tax, complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form which is available from the Church Treasurer. We teach tithing and as a church we give away 10% of everything we raise.

Here To Reach Out


We are committed to praying at the church, although much of the prayer is done individually at home and in small groups.  Our Pastor can often be found just walking around the church, bringing people and issues to the Lord. The Pastor and Ministry Team will pray for anyone who requests it.

PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens
Pray according to the Word of God – not according to your expectations (or lack of them!) 

The church has a 'Simply Prayer' WhatsApp group where prayer requests and prayers can be shared. Please contact the Church Administrator for further details.

Regular Times: Wednesday: 9.30am, Thursday: 9.00am, 2nd Saturday: 9.30am Dunamis Prayer,
1st Wednesday: 8.00pm, time of corporate prayer


Simon Swift heads up our Evangelism Team, going out regularly on the streets with the cross.


This is an opportunity for the Church to share the gospel and to pray with people in our community accompanied by music from one of our worship leaders.


Green Street Green Baptist Church takes seriously its responsibilities for safeguarding those at risk of harm. We are committed to the nurture, protection and safekeeping of all associated with the church. Everyone working with children, young people and adults at risk, has a current enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check and undertakes safeguarding training, as required. We follow relevant legislation, safer recruitment practices and the Baptist Union of Great Britain ‘Excellence in Safeguarding’ Guidance.

Everyone involved in the life of the church has a role to play in promoting a safer church for all. The church has appointed a Safeguarding Team, led by:

Diane Whitehead

Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS)


Val Ruffhead

Deputy DPS


Alex Gamby

Trustee for Safeguarding

Every safeguarding concern or allegation will be responded to promptly and sensitively according to our procedures and policies, which can be viewed or downloaded below:

Green Street Green - Safeguarding Policy Statement

Request Safeguarding Policy

Social Concern

We keep up to date with issues that we need to pray about or act on.

The Wider Church

We are represented at Churches together in Orpington and support their outreach initiatives. We also promote the Women's World Day of Prayer. We are part of the London Baptist Association (LBA), the Baptist Union (BU) and the Evangelical Alliance (EA). 


As part of the community, our building is also used by the AA, an Art Group, Craft Club and the Safer Neighbourhood Team.