
Rev. David Wood


David is our Pastor. He is married to Marie and they have two grown up children and a granddaughter. David was a Police Officer in the MET for 12 years before becoming a Pastor in 2006. He gets excited about teaching the Word of God, sharing what’s on God’s heart for people and seeing them discover more and more of Jesus for themselves. He loves quality family time and camping, cycling, walking the dog and blowing leaves off the road with his motorbike. 

Becky Brown


Becky is our feisty little miracle, with amazing energy and tolerance! She runs the Church Office, holds the church diary, deals with all enquiries, rotas and bookings of the church premises. She is involved in the youth work, the Events Team and anywhere else she is needed. She is married to Simon who heads up our Audio Visuals Team.

Becky Brown

Katie Hafford

Children and Families Worker

Energetic marathon runner and mum of four girls, Katie seems to have more hours in her day than the rest of us. She runs our Sunday School, Toddle Time for Parents and Toddlers, Messy Church and Refresh for ladies, as well as helping out at Girl's Brigade. She is also responsible for the local Spinnaker Hub, a team who take assemblies in local junior schools. Then there are school events, an Easter craft morning, Holiday Clubs, Orpington Praise Parties with Dougie Dug Dug and other events for children.

Katie Hafford

Simon & Jeanette Swift

Youth Workers

Simon & Jeanette Swift


Phil & Sheila Simmons

Messy Church

Phil is retired from working as projects engineer for BAA Airports, but now does voluntary work at a secondary school, when he's not following his interest in birdwatching, genealogies, archery and model railways. Sheila was a biochemist, is a qualified counsellor, has worked with teenagers at church and in school and also enjoys birdwatching plus Star Trek, craft work and psychology.

Wendy Tennant

Mission Support

After taking her son to Tanzania with Tearfund, Wendy took up the vision for Mission and keeps us up to date with what's happening to those that we support financially and in prayer, at home and abroad. Wendy organises a Mission Sunday three times a year, so that we keep in touch with our missionaries. She also takes fortnightly assemblies in a local school as a volunteer with Spinnaker Trust.

Caroline Jessup

The Elderly

Caroline is on the same energy scale as Katie. Since retiring from being a midwife with the Health Service, apart from being involved in walking groups and the Women's Institute, Caroline cares for several elderly people and runs our Tea Room.

Amanda Custis

GB Captain

Amanda, a solicitor in her normal life, has been very successfully leading our Girls' Brigade for about ten years, having been 'through the ranks,' for most of her life, as her mother was part of the original team. Although Amanda wasn't born when Girls' Brigade started, at Green Street Green, she led the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations in June 2017.


Vic Harvey


Mike Ruffhead

Mike is the Church Secretary who chairs Trustees' meetings, the bi-monthly Church Life Meeting as well as attending Staff meetings. He is a member of the Ministry Team. The many other things he does around the church include audio visuals, cleaning, gardening and maintaining the church premises.

Alex Gamby

Alex has been a Christian for over 40 years who is the Trustee with responsibility for safeguarding as well as being one of our Worship Leaders. She works for Kent County Council as Head of Early Years and Childcare and also likes to read (Alex runs the church's Book Group) and has recently started Ceroc dancing.

John Doughty

John has attended GSGBC since 1989 and became a Christian in 1994, shortly after joining the Worship Group as the first drummer. John was a Building Surveyor for most of his career, but retrained as an Electrician in 2012. He is married to Sue, has 2 grown up daughters and currently, one grandson.

Pat Howes

Pat is our treasurer. Married to Alan, they are both central to all that happens at The Green, in the worship and events teams. Pat enjoys reading, when she has time!

Bob Mumford

Now been retired for several years after a long career in commercial insurance and risk management. Bob and his wife Jill have an active involvement in many aspects of the church and have been members for over 25 years. His interests include long distance walking, modern military history, aircraft and railway modelling. He is also a trustee of Prayer Expeditions helping to plan walks around the UK and Europe.