Green Street Green Baptist Church is a warm friendly church with lively worship and good Biblical teaching. We seek to love and serve God and to know Him as Father, to trust Jesus as Saviour and to live in the power of the Holy Spirit. We are outward looking and our desire is to take the good news of Jesus Christ, out onto the streets and to make a difference in our community.
The church, affectionately known as The Green, was formed as an Independent Fellowship in 1899 and the main church was built in 1907. We have undertaken a programme of modernisation works, completed in 2020, so that it is relevant to the twenty first century, without losing any of its inside attraction, as an old church.
There is something for everyone. The church is mainly run by committed volunteers but, as well as the Pastor, we have four part time staff; an Administrator, two Youth Workers and a Children and Families Worker. We also have our Girls' Brigade Captain, a worker with Senior Citizens and a Mission Support person who keeps us in touch with those that we support financially and in prayer, at home and abroad. Then there are others responsible for contact with the wider church, keeping us up to date with issues of social concern, using good resources and getting work done. Where would the church be without the volunteers?